Introduction :

Texture animation is the only way to make a world file animated (Re-Volt) using .w file

Currently, only two teams have succeeded in making multiframes which are RRR and RVTT (now RVL as well)





Description : C:\Users\kallel\AnimatedMF.gif

You can download it from here (it’s Re-Volt Level)

Textures by Urnemanden. (thanks a lot :) )




Getting multiframe working (my way):

1.  Setting the required type:


Known flags:

[Quad flag] = 1

[Double-Side Flag]=2

[Translucent Flag]=4

[TexAnim Flag] = 512

[ENV on Flag] = 1024


For type of mesh, the “Texture Animated mesh” must have [TexAnim Flag].


·         Triangular mesh with TexAnim on: [TexAnim Flag]

o    512

·         Quad Mesh,with Tex Anim on: [Quad Flag] + [TexAnim Flag] = 1 + 512 = 513

o    513

·         Quad Mesh, double sided and Texture Animation on: [Quad Flag] + [Double-side flag] + [TexAnim Flag] = 1+2+512 = 515

o    515


Note: ASE2W converts Quad meshes to Triangular ones


2.  From Tri to Quad (Tutorial):

It’s highly recommended that your convert “triangular meshes” into “quads meshes” (a GUI will be created for that)

In the demo package, there is export .w (or just create your own .w file)

                The first mesh (aka cube) is the multiframed one, the other is the blank plane


                After decoding a file named “multiframe.w.txt” will be created



# multiframe.w



#cubes count

rvlong 2



#Bounding sphere (X,Y,Z, radius)

rvfloat 358.7139

rvfloat 958.716

rvfloat -658.2766

rvfloat 561.7676

#Bounding Box (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax)

rvfloat -177.2125

rvfloat 894.6403

rvfloat 789.4481

rvfloat 1127.984

rvfloat -659.2766

rvfloat -657.2766

#Poly count

rvshort 2

#Vertex count

rvshort 4

#Poly n?1



Well notice the poly count:


#Poly count

rvshort 2


That’s because ASE2W split the quad based meshes into triangles (or actually it’s ASE exporter which does that)


So, we will make convert it to a quad by hand, this by

#Poly count

rvshort 1


Faces were like this:

#Faces (vertex index which link to a face)
rvshort 2

rvshort 1

rvshort 0

rvshort 0


Note:  the fourth index won’t be taken (will be ignored in Triangular meshes)


We will change them to:

#Faces (vertex index which link to a face)
rvshort 0

rvshort 2

rvshort 3

rvshort 1


Now this will affect a lot of stuffs


First, we need to delete the 2nd poly (this:

#Poly n?2


rvshort 0


rvshort 0

#Faces (vertex index which link to a face)

rvshort 1

rvshort 2

rvshort 3

rvshort 0

#Vertex Color [3 or 4 depends on the type] (including alpha channel)

rvulong 16777215

rvulong 16777215

rvulong 16777215

rvulong 16777215

#UV map

#(1) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0.1561

#(2) UV

rvfloat 0.8141

rvfloat 0

#(3) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0

#(4) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0


Ok, then we have got this UV mapping:

#(1) UV

rvfloat 0.8141

rvfloat 0

#(2) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0.1561

#(3) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0

#(4) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0


The first two Uv mapping shouldn’t be a problem

Now the 4th UV can be got from here:

#(1) UV

rvfloat 0.8141

rvfloat 0

#(2) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0.1561



That means

#(4) UV

rvfloat 0.8141

rvfloat 0.1561


Now, remember that we have inserted “3” inside 2 and 1



#(3) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0

#(4) UV

rvfloat 0.8141

rvfloat 0.1561


That should become


#(3) UV

rvfloat 0.8141

rvfloat 0.1561

#(4) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0



The final UV map is going to look like this:

#(1) UV

rvfloat 0.8141

rvfloat 0

#(2) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0.1561

#(3) UV

rvfloat 0.8141

rvfloat 0.1561

#(4) UV

rvfloat 0

rvfloat 0




3.   513 for Quad, 512 for Tri:

#Poly n?1


rvshort 1

will become


#Poly n?1


rvshort 513


4.  Texture Animation/Multi Frames:

# -----------------------------------

#multiframe count

rvlong 0



can be found at last lines.


The multiframes are more like this:


·         rvlong [Animation count]


o    rvlong [FrameCount]

o    rvlong [Texture Page]

o    rvfloat [time in seconds]

o    rvfloat [U1]

o    rvfloat [V1]

o    rvfloat [U2]

o    rvfloat [V2]

o    rvfloat [U3]

o    rvfloat [V3]

o    rvfloat [U4]

o    rvfloat [V4]


See Toy2.w and multiframe.w demos to understand them very well





Note: For getting UV map, I have used 3Ds max (you can use the tool I’m creating, much easier I guess ;) )